Lookout Cottages In Crescent Park Has Spooky Stories
(EUREKA SPRINGS, AR) — Stories reporting paranormal experiences at or near the 1886 Crescent Hotel & Spa have been told for decades. Lookout Cottage Estate, in Crescent Park lies atop the same limestone-based Crescent Mountain and has stories about those who once frequented the homes -now the cottages- at Lookout Estate and who may still be some of the “visitors”.

Perhaps one of those could be Marge Lyons, a feature writer for the Chicago Tribune, or her husband Jedge. They lived in Lookout’s manor beginning in the late 1940s. Marge, like many locals, would often visit Basin Spring Bathhouse and take advantage of the Eureka’s “magic” spring water, bathing in it for her health.
Perhaps one could be the gregarious young nurse who Marge met at the bathhouse. Alice Coleman built up quite a clientele dispensing her skill as a therapy caregiver. Alice, who is recognized as the “founder” of the modern day spa movement in Eureka Springs, often visited Lookout and gave Marge in-home healing treatments
Perhaps one could be another of Alice’s clients, a world-renowned dancer, actress and Eureka Springs’ resident, Irene Castle. Irene’s ghost has been seen, it is reported, at the Crescent Hotel.
And perhaps one could be yet another of Alice’s clients, a paralyzed man who lived on the estate in the gatehouse. So appreciative was he that, upon his death, gave Alice his gatehouse and the adjoining guest quarters which she renamed Anchorage (her nickname for Eureka) and Suite Alice, respectively.
Could these intertwined characters be some of the “visitors” who still frequent the cottages at Lookout Estate? Perhaps.
Here are a few of those unexplainable stories that Lookout employees have told:
>A couple, just going to bed in the Anchorage, watched a blue orb travel from the living room doorway, across the bedroom and disappear through the upstairs door. The next day the husband made an unrelated phone call to his mother who surprisingly explained -without prompt- a blue orb was harmless even though her son had not mentioned the mysterious incident from the night before. NOTE: It is said an orb is a ball of energy, the manifestation of a spirit beings’ soul.
>Occasionally guests driving up to the estate’s gate have seen a ghostly light in an upstairs Anchorage window, yet no light source has ever been found by guests once inside the cottage.
>During lunch one day, I was telling a story about when I was in elementary school over in Rogers (AR). There was this shy, quiet boy named David Rose who rode our school bus and was teased by everybody but me. Then one day he was gone; some said he died. Right after lunch I went over to clean Suite Alice. The first thing I did, as I always do, was to check the guest book. It was open uncharacteristically to the back inside cover. There, in a child’s script, was written, “I came to see you.” It was signed, David Rose.
Lookout Cottage Estate is an iconic gated grouping of upscale cottages that include the five-bedroom Manor House, the Lookout Cottage (past home of the caretaker), the 2-level Grotto Cottage and the Gatehouse which includes both Anchorage/ Suite Alice. www.lookoutcottages.com